Environment June 01, 2020Doha Debates asks: Is anything more valuable than water? Vox Pops 4 MINS Doha Debates hit the streets of these three cities and asked people their thoughts on water shortage and climate change. climate change food and agriculture global cooperation global south water scarcityMore on this topicGovernance & PoliticsDoha Debates asks: What Should Nations Learn From Each Other?Vox Pops2 MINSGovernance & PoliticsThe Afghan Impasse, Part 7: Talking to the TalibanThe NegotiatorsS4E729 MINSGovernance & PoliticsThe Afghan Impasse, Part 6: Digital DunkirkThe NegotiatorsS4E637 MINSGovernance & PoliticsThe Afghan Impasse, Part 5: The Envoy SpeaksThe NegotiatorsS4E534 MINSPeace & ConflictThe Afghan Impasse, Part 4: History RepeatsThe NegotiatorsS4E439 MINSPeace & ConflictThe Afghan Impasse, Part 3: The Art of The (Separate) DealThe NegotiatorsS4E328 MINSPeace & ConflictThe Afghan Impasse, Part 2: Secret TalksThe NegotiatorsS4E232 MINSPeace & ConflictThe Afghan Impasse, Part 1: Original SinThe NegotiatorsS4E134 MINSUncategorizedSeason 4 of The Negotiators: The Afghan ImpasseThe Negotiators43 MINSArts & MediaNarrative power: Is the West promoting global justice?Town Halls88 MINS