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Doha Debates’ resources for educators

Deep Dive

Deep Dive is for educators of all kinds who want to unite and inspire this generation to build a better future.

Deep Dive opens an innovative path toward better conversations about complex global issues.


Doha Debates produces podcasts, videos, live debates and other programs that provide global perspectives on the topics most relevant to young people today. Deep Dive, our collection of educational resources, includes customizable lesson plans, teaching guides and other activities that are anchored to our content. All our resources are designed to help you and your learners deeply explore the complex issues of our times.

Our Deep Dive resources draw upon the concept of the Majlis. In Arabic, this refers to a place of sitting where relationship-building and problem-solving can take place, engaging in communal reasoning and productive dialogue. The Majlis is a learning environment where everyone’s voices are heard and valued. It embodies respect for different viewpoints, empathy and the search for common ground.

Step 1: Download the Deep Dive Guide PDF

The Deep Dive Guide is a free 155-page PDF created to support educators of all kinds. The guide is most frequently used in secondary and university education, and we’ve also seen it successfully adapted in informal settings like youth leadership programs, jails and conference workshops—wherever people gather to learn.

At the heart of the guide is the Majlis, an innovative way for educators to organize the learning environment for learners to have better conversations about complex issues. The guide provides tools and activities to:

  • Foster a safe environment for productive conversations.
  • Support participants through a systems thinking process to understand complex global issues.
  • Build social emotional skills, critical thinking skills and global competencies.
  • Utilize the library of digital productions to connect, engage and educate.

Step 2: Join the Doha Debates community of practice on Participate

Our learning community on holds our library of rich learning materials including videos, debates, podcasts and films, which are accompanied by activities, lesson plans and discussion guides. These are all organized by global issues or themes.

In addition, our self-paced courses will guide teachers and facilitators to teach social-emotional skills, design learning plans and facilitate meaningful dialogue across differences in perspective and experience.

Our community of practice requires free registration to join. You will immediately gain access to our curated resources as well as a community of facilitators from across the world. Our education specialist moderates the community and is available as your guide once you join.

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Deep Dive

More educational resources

Explore our curriculum modules on complex global issues like polarization, climate change and artificial intelligence. Deep Dive is most frequently used in secondary and university education, and we’ve also seen it successfully adapted in informal settings like youth leadership programs, jails and conference workshops—wherever people gather to learn.

View and download curriculum
with Dr. Govinda Clayton

How to have better conversations

Change the way you communicate with practical insights and pro tips on how to transform fights and conflict into productive conversations.

BC Epilogue clean 570 320
Peace & Conflict

Change your approach

Better Conversations
BC Setting Goals Clean 570 320
Peace & Conflict

Set clear goals

Better Conversations
BC Body Language Clean 570 320
Peace & Conflict

Body language matters

Better Conversations
