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July 20, 2020

Socialism: Is the pandemic a catalyst for radical change?

Free child care. Rent freezes. Cash payments.

Governments are turning to socialist policies to stem the fallout from the pandemic—but could this be a moment for lasting change? Join us as three guests—Lord William Hague, Fatima Bhutto and Tabata Amaral—debate whether the pandemic proves socialism is needed now more than ever.


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Fatima Bhutto

Author, novelist and speaker

Tabata Amaral

Tabata Amaral

Brazilian Congresswoman and activist

Lord William Hague

Lord William Hague

Former UK Foreign Secretary, former leader of the Conservative Party

Govinda Clayton

Govinda Clayton

Doha Debates Connector, Senior Researcher in Peace Processes at ETH Zurich

Ghida Fakhry

Ghida Fakhry

Doha Debates Moderator

Nelufar Hedayat

Nelufar Hedayat

Doha Debates correspondent & host of Course Correction and #DearWorldLive

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Deep Dive

Resources for educators

Our educational programs and resources draw upon the Majlis, the specific cultural tradition of Arab problem-solving venues, and engage in communal reasoning and productive dialogue. Learn how to have better conversations about socialism with our customizable lesson plans.

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Socialism: Is the pandemic a catalyst for radical change?


On July 20, 2020, three experts debated socialism with live digital voting and audience participation in our first virtual debate.

Polls show that a large majority of the millennials and Gen Z would vote for a socialist politician, as they consider socialism to be the most compassionate system. In this debate, our experts explored whether the coronavirus pandemic proves that socialist policies are needed now more than ever.

The pandemic exposed massive cracks in social welfare systems and revealing inequalities that have existed for centuries. Many governments experimented with socialist policies like stimulus packages and universal basic income (UBI) to soften the blow of the pandemic, but problems like lack of access to healthcare or childcare persist even after the pandemic. Seven months into pandemic lockdowns around the word, moderator Ghida Fakhry put the question to the speakers: Is now the time for radical change? Should more countries embrace socialism—permanently?

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