Economics May 29, 2020Doha Debates asks: Are people better off with UBI? Vox Pops 5 MINS Doha Debates hit the streets of a few cities and asked people their thoughts about capitalism, money and if universal basic income could work. capitalism socialism Universal Basic IncomeParticipants in this videoGovinda ClaytonDoha Debates Connector, Senior Researcher in Peace Processes at ETH ZurichGhida FakhryDoha Debates ModeratorNelufar HedayatDoha Debates correspondent & host of Course Correction and #DearWorldLiveMore on this topicGovernance & PoliticsDoha Debates asks: One Form of Government for All?Vox Pops2 MINSGovernance & PoliticsDoha Debates asks: What Should Nations Learn From Each Other?Vox Pops2 MINSTechnologyRiva Tez Explains How Technology Can Unlock a Better Future2 MINEconomicsWhere Do Our Political Values Come From?Explainer4 MINSGovernance & PoliticsGlobal Order: Which Principles Should Shape Our Future?Town Halls88 MINSEconomicsWATCH: Can the global south develop without fossil fuel?Doha Debates PodcastS1E2441 MINSHuman rightsWATCH: Do race-based policies create a more equitable world?Doha Debates PodcastS1E2338 MINSEconomicsCan the global south develop without fossil fuel?Doha Debates PodcastS1E2438 MINSGovernance & PoliticsDo race-based policies create a more equitable world?Doha Debates PodcastS1E2338 MINSGovernance & PoliticsRise of the Rest: Who should lead in a multipolar world?Town Halls80 MINS