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Showing all 486 speakers
Brett Hennig
American Author and Co-Founder, Sortition Foundation
Brett Hennig co-founded and directors the Sortition Foundation, which campaigns to institute the use of stratified, random selection (also called sortition) in government.
Before co-founding the Sortition Foundation, Brett wore a variety of hats: a taxi driver, a software engineer, a social justice activist, a mathematics tutor, and the primary carer of four boys. He finished his PhD in astrophysics just before his first son arrived.
After spending several disheartening years in civil society organizations and politics, Hennig became inspired by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s trilogy on political philosophy and began investigating and researching network forms of democracy. The resulting book, The End of Politicians: Time for a Real Democracy, has been called “a book for visionaries” by New Internationalist contributing editor James Kelsey-Fry and was described as “a powerful critique and provocative alternative” by the late Professor Erik Olin Wright.