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Showing all 486 speakers
Laura M. Browning
Former senior editor, Doha Debates
Laura M. Browning was the senior editor at Doha Debates.
Previously, Laura was the executive editor of the pop culture website The A.V. Club. She also served two terms on the executive board of ACES: The Society for Editing and still sits on ACES’ diversity and inclusion committee. She has trained writers and editors on a range of topics, including copy editing, fact-checking, inclusive language, freelance management, editorial operations and creating unconventional style guides. As an advocate of plain language, Laura believes in less jargon and more storytelling.
Laura earned a Bachelor of Arts with honors in philosophy from College of the Holy Cross, with minors in English and art history, and holds a master’s in creative nonfiction from the University of Chicago. She’s happiest when she gets to learn something new, so her career has moved through art museums, an encyclopedia, nonprofits, higher education and digital media.
Her other interests include watching and talking about TV and her very high-maintenance husky.