Showing all 486 speakers
Showing all 486 speakers
Malala Yousafzai
Co-founder, Malala Fund
Malala Yousafzai is the co-founder of Malala Fund, a 2014 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, and a UN Messenger of Peace. She began her campaign for education at age 11 when she anonymously blogged for the BBC about life under the Taliban in Pakistan’s Swat Valley. Inspired by her father’s activism, Malala soon began advocating publicly for girls’ education — attracting international media attention and awards. At age 15, she was shot by the Taliban for speaking out. Malala recovered in the United Kingdom and continued her fight for girls. In 2013, she founded Malala Fund. A year later, Malala received the Nobel Peace Prize in recognition of her advocacy for 12 years of free, safe, quality education for every child. Malala recently completed a degree in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at Oxford University.